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Frequently Asked Questions

Vigour and Vitality - Ayurvedic Medicine & Treatment Products

Are you feeling tired and lacking the energy to tackle life head-on? Well, it's time to focus on your vigour and vitality! Vigour refers to the current level of physical and mental strength, while vitality represents the feeling of being alive. But our busy lives make it easy to forget to care for ourselves. 

Poor lifestyle regimes such as bad eating habits, smoking, and drinking can lower your vigour, decreasing your muscular strength and body system functioning. Similarly, work stress, family responsibilities, financial challenges, odd food habits, compromised food and water quality, and climate change can affect your vitality.

What is vigour and vitality? Vigour refers to the physical and mental energy, strength, and vitality that allow you to pursue your daily activities with enthusiasm and endurance. Similarly, work stress, family responsibilities, financial challenges, odd food habits, compromised food and water quality, and climate change can affect your vitality. Your vitality, which encompasses your overall health and vigor, plays a crucial role in determining your quality of life. Therefore, maintaining a balanced lifestyle and addressing these factors is essential to ensure the best medicine for vigour and vitality, enabling you to lead a healthier and more energetic life.

But don't lose hope! There's a way to improve your vitality and vigour. And the answer lies in adopting a disciplined, healthy lifestyle along with Ashpveda’s Vigour and Vitality Medicine. It's the only proven natural method to improve vitality and balanced hormones without side effects. 

Overview of Vigour and Vitality Problems

The following problems are associated with low vigour and vitality:

  • Lower Testosterone Level - Less than 3000 nanograms per deciliter for adults. 
  • Extremely Tiredness
  • Thyroid
  • Lower Backpain
  • Anaemia
  • Constipation
  • Erectile Dysfunction

Causes of Vigour and Vitality Problems

As humans, the desire for energy, intimacy and connection is an absolute part of our being. However, if these desires go unfulfilled in life, they can be a source of great frustration and bummer. A few decades ago, the answer to this problem corresponded to ageing. But eventually, in 2023, it became evident that a myriad of causes contributes to the lack of vigour and vitality:

  • Inadequate diet and sleep.
  • Medications are a fascinating aspect of human life, aren't they? From the humble aspirin to the mighty anti-seizure drugs, we rely on them to keep our bodies ticking over. But these powerful substances have broader implications on our vigour, vitality, and physical and emotional well-being.
  • Stress - it's a word that seems to dominate our lives these days, doesn't it? The shadow follows us, reminding us that we're not doing enough. And unfortunately, it can take a toll on our vigour and sexual performance.

Difference Between Vigour And Vitality

Now that we have discussed the causes of vigour and vitality, it is important to explore their differences as well. 

Understanding the difference between vigour and vitality is crucial for anyone looking to enhance their overall well-being. Vigour typically refers to the physical strength, energy, and endurance that a person possesses. 

It is the robustness and enthusiasm with which one approaches physical tasks and challenges. On the other hand, vitality encompasses not only physical but also mental and emotional well-being. It represents the overall life force and zest for living, including mental clarity, emotional resilience, and a positive outlook on life. 

To increase vigour and vitality, it's essential to adopt a holistic approach that addresses both physical fitness and mental well-being. This could include regular exercise, a balanced diet, stress management techniques, and fostering a positive mindset. By nurturing both vigour and vitality, individuals can enjoy a fuller and more vibrant life.

Vigour and Vitality Problems Symptoms

There are several symptoms associated with a low level of vitality and vigour:

  • Irregular menstrual cycles.
  • Hot flashes.
  • Night sweats.
  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Depression.
  • An endocrine disease results in the improper functioning of secreted hormones or glands.
  • Poor nutrition, including unhealthy foods, low fibre or high salt, fat or sugar diet, and consuming too many types of food or drinks. 
  • Difficulty in concentrating. 
  • Reduced libido or sexual desire.
  • Difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection.
  • Frequent mood changes.
  • A decrease in muscle strength and endurance.
  • Loss of physical stamina.
  • Trouble during sleep.

Treatment Options For Vigour and Vitality 

Symptoms for vigour and vitality problems are often cured with the following treatment options:

Conventional Medicine

Stendra: This tablet amplifies blood flow in the penis during intercourse.

Fluoxymesterone: This drug cures hypogonadism symptoms (an illness in which the body does not produce the required amount of natural testosterone).

Ibuprofen: Here is the drug your doctor will prescribe for treating your (massive) pain in lower back conditions.

Feosol(ferrous sulfate): This drug is given to fulfil the scarcity of iron.

Levothyroxine: This tablet helps maintain energy levels and lowers the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Vigour and Vitality Problems

Below are the details of Ashpveda's best ayurvedic medicine for vigour and vitality- 

Benefits Of Amrit Prash

This Chawanprash is composed of a unique blend of 14 ayurvedic plant-based ingredients, namely - Shilajeet, Ashwagandha, Javitri, Lavang, Mulethi, Shatawar, Kaunch, Safed Musli, Gokharu, Amla, Gulab, Dalchieni, Long, Astavarga which provides an array of benefits and answers your question on how to increase vitality and vigour including:

  • Enhances your body's stamina.
  • Aids in maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle with ease.
  • In addition, it also improves immunity through better strength and fertility.

Benefits Of Kesar Gold Shilajit

With this Kesar Gold Shilajit, you will receive a healthy mind and anti-inflammatory vitality and vigour that comes from the natural ingredients of native Ayurvedic plants, which are free from chemicals and are sourced from the fertile landscape of Himalaya.

And if we talk about the best ayurvedic medicine for vigour and vitality benefits, then:

  • Strengthens your immunity, stamina, and power.
  • It boosts your testosterone levels and fights infertility. 
  • Increases your physical endurance limits and energy levels.
  • Eliminates weakness.
  • It fulfils the iron requirement and promotes healthy ageing.

Benefits Of Kamyasudha Kwath 

Boost your stamina and performance with Ashpveda's Kwath - a magical herbal blend of Swanbhasham, Vidarikand, Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, Gokharu, Shilajeet, Long, Dalchini, Moti Bhasma, Aloe vera Ras, Satawari, Jaiphal, Akarkara, Konch beej. This vigour and vitality medicine Kwath helps in boosting:

  • Natural intimacy.
  • Supports vigour and vitality.
  • It helps in overcoming stress and exhaustion.
  • And last, it energises the body and improves the circulation of blood.

Benefits Of Kamyasudha Tablet

Ashpveda Kamyasudha is an ayurvedic medicine for vigour and vitality that comes in a pack of 30 tablets. It is specially formulated to improve strength and stamina in the body. The vigour and vitality tablets contain a blend of plant-based ingredients, including:

  • Musli white
  • Musli black
  • Ashwagandha
  • Shatavari
  • Kaunch
  • Bala
  • Gokharu
  • Semal
  • Vidarikand
  • Javitri
  • Shilajeet
  • Makardhwaj

And as far as its benefits are concerned, then they are:

  • It helps in releasing stress.
  • Improves the functioning of the libido.

Why Opt Ayurvedic Treatment For Vigour and Vitality Problems?

You might be looking for an answer regarding how to increase vitality and vigour or how to improve vigour and vitality through Ayurveda. Well, the answer to your question lies in the following points:

  • Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of health and wellness, is like a soothing balm for our bodies and mind.
  • It emphasises the importance of positive energy for your well-being, urging you to surround yourselves with good vibes. 
  • As we age, fatigue, stress, and anxiety affect our mental and physical health. 
  • That's where Ayurveda comes to our rescue with its herbal remedies that offer relief from stress and keep us feeling rejuvenated. 
  • From sexual potency and vigour to blood purification and vitality, Ayurvedic medicines provide a natural solution to our health woes. By balancing the three doshas of our body, Ayurvedic therapy empowers us to live with a feeling of aliveness. 

So, let's embrace the goodness of Ayurveda and experience the magic of Ashpveda's vigour and vitality tablets to get easy and safe answers for how to improve vigour and vitality. 

General Tips

Here are some crucial tips to help you maintain your vitality and vigour:

  • You must fuel your body with a well-balanced diet to stay healthy and alive. Eating foods rich in zinc, protein (egg, nuts, and seeds), and monosaturated fats (olive, avocado, and canola oils) elevate your adrenaline levels and keep you on your toes. 
  • On the other hand, avoiding soy and fatty foods can contribute to a healthier lifestyle. 
  • But that's just the beginning! You should also make sure you move your body frequently, pushing your muscles and allowing your blood to flow freely.
  • And let's not forget about the importance of proper sleep. Getting enough rest can help us feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle the day ahead.
  • But what about your minds? Mental stimulation is equally essential for maintaining your vigour and vitality. 
  • However, it is also integral to remember the effects of stress, which can deplete your energy levels and lead to fatigue. Learning stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep relaxation techniques can help you manage your stress levels and maintain balance.
  • By limiting your alcohol intake and refraining from smoking, you can protect your body from disease and strengthen your overall vitality.