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Blood Pressure Ayurvedic Medicine & Treatment

Blood pressure is a vital force that helps push oxygen and nutrients around the circulatory system to nourish our tissues and organs. Not to mention, it also helps deliver vital proteins like white blood cells and insulin.

Now, when it comes to blood pressure categories, three are three types: low risk, medium risk, and high risk. 

In Ayurveda, low blood pressure is called Nyuna Raktachaapa and is believed to be caused by the destruction of Vata and the deficiency of Agni, which can lead to various issues such as brain damage, blur vision, and heart damage. 

In contrast, high blood pressure, or hypertension, is a prevalent condition that can lead to heart disease. It occurs when the force of blood against artery walls is too high due to the blood pumped by the heart and the resistance in the arteries. Hypertension may not have specific symptoms, but in some cases, blood pressure may reach life-threatening levels without any visible signs.

While orthodox medications can be effective, Ashpveda's best Ayurvedic medicine for blood pressure can help stabilise hypotension & hypertension and foster a healthy heart. 

Overview Of Blood Pressure Problems

If you leave your blood pressure untreated, it could lead to a whole host of issues that'll make your life a lot more complicated than it needs to be:

  • Stroke.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Heart attack.
  • Peripheral vascular disease (blocks your blood vessels outside of your heart).
  • Eye deterioration.
  • Complications during pregnancy.
  • Vascular dementia (when there's a disruption in blood supply to different parts of the brain, it can deteriorate cognitive abilities).
  • Loss of vision.
  • Sexual dysfunction.
  • Peripheral artery disease.
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm (a swell or bulge in the main blood vessel, which arises from the heart and extends through the chest and belly, is called an aortic aneurysm).

Symptoms Of Blood Pressure Problems

Your blood pressure is like the Goldilocks of your cardiovascular system - it needs to be just right. If it's too high (hypertension) or too low (hypotension), you might experience symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness or wooziness.
  • Fainting.
  • Nausea.
  • Distorted vision.
  • Fast breathing.
  • Vomiting.
  • Fatigue or weakness.
  • Feeling lethargic.
  • Trouble concentrating.
  • Agitation.
  • Sweaty, cold skin.
  • Palpitations
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Feeble pulse.
  • Pale skin.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • Depression.
  • Dehydration.
  • Facial flushing (face turns red).

If you sense any of these signs, halt everything and grab a glass of water. Sit or lie down to ensure you don't lose your balance. Don't hesitate to talk to your doctor or nurse; these symptoms may indicate a fall risk or other health issues.

Causes Of Blood Pressure 

Your blood pressure is not constant and can fluctuate throughout the day for various reasons such as digestion after eating, prolonged standing, dehydration, and warm temperatures. Additionally, several other factors can cause low or high blood pressure.

  • Medication to lower blood pressure.
  • Neurological disorders (Parkinson’s disease).
  • Anti-depressant.
  • Diabetes.
  • Issues with your adrenal glands (e.g., tumour).
  • Obesity.
  • Overweight.
  • Consumption of high-sodium foods.
  • Excessive intake of alcohol and tobacco.
  • Stress.
  • Lupus (a condition where the immune system attacks the different parts of the body).
  • Family history of high blood pressure.
  • Inactivity.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Inadequate sleep routine.
  • Narrow arteries.
  • Underactive thyroid.

Treatment Options For Blood Pressure


  • As you walk into your doctor's office, the nurse will check your blood pressure by wrapping a band, called a cuff, around your upper arm. 
  • The cuff is connected to a small pump with a meter measuring blood pressure. As the nurse squeezes the pump, you will feel a tightness around your arm. 
  • The nurse will then stop and observe the meter, which provides two critical numbers that make up your blood pressure reading. The top number, the systolic reading, represents the peak blood pressure when your heart is actively pumping blood. The bottom number, the diastolic reading, represents the pressure when your heart fills with blood.
  • When your doctor or nurse shares your blood pressure reading with you, they will typically express it as a ratio of these two numbers. For example, they may say your blood pressure is "120 over 80".

Conventional Medicines

  • Angiotensin II.
  • Calcium channel blockers (amlodipine, nifedipine, and felodipine).
  • Water pills (bendroflumethiazide and indapamide).
  • Atenolol.
  • Bisoprolol.

Ayurvedic Medicine

The below-mentioned list will discuss some of the herbs, low blood pressure Ayurvedic treatment, and best Ayurvedic medicine for high blood pressure:

Herbal Supplements

  • Celery Seeds (help in reducing blood pressure).
  • Basil (this herbal supplement is known to be one of the most crucial ayurvedic medicine for low blood pressure, which acts as a natural calcium channel broker).
  • Parsley (this herb or ayurvedic medicine for high blood pressure helps dilate blood vessels).
  • Brahmi (is one of the best Ayurvedic medicine for blood pressure, as it releases nitric oxide and improves blood flow).
  • Ajwain (this Ayurvedic medicine for blood pressure averts calcium entry).
  • Cardamom (this herb, due to its diuretic properties, increases the volume of urine and is one of the most highly consumed blood pressure ayurvedic medicine).
  • Green Oat.
  • Ginger (this herb assists well in high blood pressure ayurvedic treatment).

Dietary Changes

  • Eating well and maintaining blood pressure don't have to be complicated or restrictive. The DASH diet is a perfect example of this. By focusing on wholesome, nutrient-rich foods that are widely available, you can create a healthy and balanced eating style that's tailored to your tastes and preferences.
  • Add a pinch of turmeric whenever you're consuming moong daal.
  • Add watermelon to your diet.
  • Consume cucumber raita as it perfectly aligns with your high blood pressure Ayurvedic treatment.
  • Avoid hypertension foods when your ongoing your low blood pressure Ayurvedic treatment.

Why Opt for Ayurvedic Treatment For High Blood Pressure & Hypotension? 

  • Hypertension is a sneaky thief that can make your arteries less elastic without warning. But don't worry, because ayurvedic treatment for blood pressure has got your back! Instead of just treating the symptoms of high blood pressure, Ayurveda takes a deep dive into the root cause of the problem. 
  • This way, it kicks hypertension to the curb and gets you feeling like a million bucks again!
  • So, how does Ayurveda do it? Well, first things first, Ayurvedic treatment for high blood pressure cleans the house. That means getting rid of all the toxins that have been building up in your body over time. 
  • Once it's done, Ayurveda starts to regulate the blood flow in your body and get things back on track.
  • But that's not all! Ayurveda makes sure that your digestion is working like a well-oiled machine. Which means stoking the fire in your belly and ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Raktchap Nivarak Tablet

  • Introducing Ashpveda Raktchap Nivarak tablets - the best Ayurvedic medicine for high blood pressure and cardiac disorders that has been taking the Ayurvedic treatment for blood pressure by storm. 
  • This blood pressure medicine is made from 100% Ayurvedic and natural ingredients, including Sarpagandha, Dalchini, Arjuna, Sonth, Haldi, Alsi, and Roselle. It is certified by the Ministry of AYUSH, so you can trust that it's safe and effective.
  • But what exactly does this Ayurvedic blood pressure medicine do? Well, for starters, this high or low blood pressure ayurvedic medicine helps maintain normal blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle. But that's not all - Ashpveda Raktchap Nivarak tablets are also an effective remedy for hypotension, hypertension, stress, and nervous tension, which can all contribute to heart problems.
  • So what sets this low blood pressure Ayurvedic medicine apart from the rest? For one, it's completely natural - there are no synthetic or chemical ingredients, which means this Ayurvedic medicine for low blood pressure & hypertension is gentle on your body. It will not cause any unwanted side effects.

Special Note

  • Eating garlic and onion regularly can lower your blood pressure by as much as 11.2 mm Hg.
  • Want to improve your blood pressure levels without relying on medications? Try out Ayurvedic treatment for low blood pressure!
  • Avoid binge eating, and make sure you have fresh warm foods.
  • Ensure you wrap up your last meal by 7 pm to reduce the risk of blood pressure-related complications.
  • Lastly, avoid chilli peppers during your ayurvedic treatment of low blood pressure.

General Tips 

  • According to AHA, hit the gym and go hard for 40 minutes four days a week, and you'll see your blood pressure drop!
  • Cut your excess sugar and carbohydrates.
  • Consume more potassium foods such as Cooked broccoli, potatoes, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and peas.
  • Consume a high-protein diet (100 grams of panner has 18 grams of protein).
  • Cut down your caffeine intake.
  • Make sure you consume your Ayurvedic blood pressure medicine on time.